The prerequisites depend highly on your project and what frameworks/libraries you are using. We have outlined a few pre-reqs for various platforms to help you get setup before the hackathon.
iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS
- Install Xcode:
- Must have a mac to develop on apple platforms
- Install Android Studio:
Server (NodeJS)
- Install NodeJS:
- Install a text editor of your choice. We recommend Sublime Text or Atom.
Bluemix (Any Server/Cloud Service)
Watson Services (e.g. Conversation Service, Visual Recognition, and more)
- Setup Bluemix (above)
- Setup curl:
- You must install the version that supports the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. Make sure to include the installed binary file on your PATH environment variable.
- To easily test out the Watson APIs you can use curl (in command line) or Postman. Postman would be easier to get started with since it has a easy to use UI.
- If you would like to use the datasets we are providing, make sure to clone the repo or download it before hand. The repo is pretty large and will take a some time to download. Check out the datasets here:
- Additional, you will need to install Git if you are using any of the starter apps , datasets, or committing your code to any source control (e.g. Github, Bitbucket, etc). To install git, take a look here: